Wearable Art 2025

A cherished TAB tradition for 30 years, Wearable Art is unique artwork created by YOU to be worn and displayed in the show. It is fun and unexpected, think BIG, BOLD and FUNKY!

Fluorescent • Glowing 

Energizing • Bold

Supersized • Sculptural


    • Artists must submit a complete application and provide visual materials by the stated deadline. 

    • Creations must demonstrate easily recognizable NEON elements including paint or lights. Black light will be used on stage. 

    • Any medium may be used: paint, paper, plastic, fabric—stretch your creative limits! No fire/open flame or glitter permitted.

    • We are looking for loud, large & unexpected creations. This is not a garment line. 

    • Up to two separate creations may be submitted per artist/group.

    • Artists must provide all components of a complete, ready-to-wear & original creation that must not have been used previously in a TAB-sponsored event. 

    • Accepted artists will have regular check-ins with a Wearable Art representative by phone or in-person from acceptance to reaching the runway. 


    • Be able to withstand the rigors of transportation to the Telluride Conference Center.

    • Be able to walk the length of the runway and up and down a stairs without assistance. 

    • Be able to withstand repeated wearing during rehearsals and fittings.

  • Part Cirque du Soleil, part dance show, part Telluride funk! Over 30 years in the making, the Fashion Show has historically been performed to over 600 seat holders as part of the Telluride AIDS Benefit’s annual fundraiser. A fast paced show, this year's performances on the Conference Center's runway will explode with a full load of music, lights, colorful talent and audience interaction. All models are volunteers who dedicate a full month of rehearsals to put the show together. The show culminates every evening with a Live Auction, full of incredible trips, wines and other treasures. The Sample Sale, an opportunity to purchase runway fashion, is held the Monday after the shows.

  • MONDAY, January 6 *extended to January 12*

    Deadline for entry application and visual materials (required)

    WEEK OF January 6 - 13th

    Artists notification of participation

    MONTH OF January 13th - February 15th

    Weekly artist check ins with Wearable Art representative by phone or in person. 

    SUNDAY, February 16

    Model fittings at Telluride Conference Center with artists present

    WEEK OF February 16-22

    Nightly rehearsals & performances

    SUNDAY February 23

    Artwork will move to AhHaa School for the Arts. Exhibition & sale starting MARCH 3, 2025 for the month.

  • DEADLINE / Entries must be submitted by Jan 6, 2025

    LIMIT / 2 entries per designer or group.

    THEME / Phenomenal Neon

    ACCEPTED ARTWORK / Accepted artists receive TWO tickets to the DRESS REHEARSAL performance on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19th OR a $75 TICKET CREDIT to any performance (Thursday, Friday or Saturday).


    • All entries must be a headpiece, collar or combination of the two. Additional accessories may be discussed.

    • All entries must be original designs and must not have been used previously in a TAB-sponsored event.

    • Artists must provide all components of complete, ready-to-wear pieces.

  • ORIGINALITY / Is it conceptually fresh and stands out from the rest?

    CREATIVITY / Does the piece WOW the audience?

    CRAFTSMANSHIP / Is the piece well constructed?

    PRESENTATION + STAGING / Does the piece show well on the body and the stage?

    PERFORMANCE / How does the piece hold up through multiple rehearsals?

    *TAB retains the right to make additions and deletions to entries when needed due to mechanics, stage logistics and model comfort. The Wearable Art Committee will judge all submissions. The committee’s decisions are final and will not be challenged.

    • Artists will fit their creation on a model on SUNDAY, February 16th at the Conference Center, usually around 5pm. 

    • Out-of-town artist creations must be received by WEDNESDAY, February 12th. Kathleen will provide mailing instructions. 

    • Accepted artwork must be available for all rehearsals and performances of the Fashion Show at the Telluride Conference Center from SUNDAY, February 16th through SATURDAY, February 22nd.

    • You must provide everything your model needs to wear your piece, excluding shoes.

    • Provide clear instructions on hang tags. Include your name, title, sketch/photo of entry, dressing instructions, inventory of parts for each creation and any special needs required for backstage (e.g. storage, hanging, etc).

    • Loops, velcro closures and wig stands will make storage and hanging easier. If a particular hanger or stand is needed, you will need to provide it.

    • Entries must be durable! Test each piece and be confident it is not too heavy, unbalanced, uncomfortable or will not hold together with multiple wearings.

  • A great concept must be supported with form and design.

    • Taking art off the wall and adorning the moving body requires you to make your entry integral to the human form.

    • Make sure your piece is balanced. Does it need a head piece? Leg or arm coverings? 

    • Make sure your creation is comfortable enough to wear, so it can be choreographed for a model to show it off to its best advantage.

    • Entries including dangerous or sharp pieces or unfinished edges that may be harmful to models will not be considered.

    • All accepted artwork will be part of a “Wearable Art line” during the Fashion Show. Choreography and stage direction will come from the Fashion Show Director.

    • Creations will be exhibited & for sale at AhHaa during the month of March.


    • TAB accepts no responsibility for any damage to or loss of entries.

    • TAB reserves the right to accept only a portion of your total entries.

    • TAB reserves the right to auction or sell all entries it chooses upon agreement with the designer.

    • TAB reserves the right to remove your entry from the Fashion Show production at any point in the week of performances.

    • By submitting an application, you permit Telluride AIDS Benefit to use images of your creation on social media, in publicity, on the TAB website, etc.

Wearable ArT

Got a great Wearable Art idea for the TAB Fashion Show? Let's go!

Download the Artist Resources, complete the Application and email your visual materials. Once accepted, you'll be guided by a creative mentor to help you build the best stage-ready creation possible!

Let’s Get Started

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Email required materials to Kathleen Morgan at kathleen@aidsbenefit.org

You may also email Kathleen with any questions about entering the Wearable Art line.

Your application is only complete once this form and visual materials have been received.

What is wearable art?

Wearable art is unique artwork created to be worn and displayed. It is fun, unexpected and not recognizable as traditional clothing. Think BIG, BOLD and FUNKY!

Why wearable art?

Robert Presley, for whom TAB was started, was an incredible local clothing designer and costume creator. Every year in his honor, TAB continues to support designers from near and far by including their work in the Fashion Show.